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Find a theater-group

Leisure time theatre in Flanders and Brussels only exists because so many people put a lot of effort in it each year. To celebrate the many people and groups involved OPENDOEK offers some celebration possibilities:


OPENDOEK's passion for theatre is not limited to the borders of Flanders and Brussels. OPENDOEK participates in various international projects and is a member of international partnerships. They also offer many playing opportunities for our members and affiliated companies. OPENDOEK wants to encourage its members to look for international contacts. On this page we present some of the international organizations that are important for the theater in leisure time.

Uncover / Explore

To be continued

Theater courses

OPENDOEK organizes courses for people with a passion for theatre and a desire to learn. Professional teachers guarantee good support. Group dynamics and the courage to create are central to this. You play, search, create and reflect. You push your limits and learn. Most of the courses are in Dutch but now and then there are some in English.

At this point no courses in English are planned in the near future. All courses can be consulted here, if you are interested in following one please contact us to see if it’s possible to join as a non-Dutch speaker. We will see what we can do! (vorming@opendoek.be)


For every performance of a play you need to ask permission and pay copyrights to the writer, the adapter and translator (until 70 years after their death). If you want to make an adaptation or translation of a play, you need permission as well.


If you have a theatre group based in Belgium please be aware of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The most important thing is that you cannot collect personal information of your members without their consent. You cannot send them marketing e-mails if they did not opt-in for this. You can find a lot of information about GDPR online. If you however still have questions for your group in Flanders or Brussels contact us and we will see what we can do. (info@opendoek.be)

Working with minors
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Looking for an actor or a prop for your play? Put your ad (English allowed) here.

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